The Un-diet Diet
It’s been more than half a year–how’s your New Year’s Resolution coming along? You know, the one about losing weight and getting back into shape. The problem with most diets is they’re…diets. They’re followed for a relatively short period of time with the intent of “getting back” to the pre-diet way of eating.
Here’s a nutritional plan so simple (and obvious) it will likely be rejected out of hand:
1. Avoid manmade – That means avoiding genetically modified foods and those altered with manmade chemicals.
2. Spoil quickly – Choose foods that have a relatively short shelf life.
3. Reject white – White foods, whether refined sugar or bleached flour, are processed in ways that destroy their nutritional integrity.
4. Supplement as necessary – These days, even organic foods may be lacking some of the nutritional value that they used to have. On your next visit, ask what we would recommend.
Why Spinal Problems Often Return
Chiropractic skeptics often pooh-pooh the idea of periodic chiropractic checkups after symptoms subside with the classic “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” line. This justification often results in a relapse of the original problem for countless patients. Why? Because biomechanical changes along the spine affecting nerves and muscles don’t heal like a cut, infection or some other self-resolving health condition.
By the time spinal problems produce obvious symptoms, the problem has existed for some time. A chiropractic care plan may produce symptomatic improvement in a matter of months, sometimes weeks. Though a patient may be delighted, we haven’t completed the retraining of the underlying muscles and soft tissues necessary for lasting spinal changes.
That’s why the original problem may return. It’s hard to know when, but it’s almost always after major physical, chemical or emotional stress. Without some type of ongoing care, the weakened area remains susceptible to re-injury. Should this happen to you, contact us. You’re welcome back for another episode of care.
The Truth Behind Fake News
“Fake news” seems to be thrown around a lot these days. It might surprise you to learn that chiropractors have known about this phenomenon for a while. How? By giving a critical eye to the latest claims made by the pharmaceutical industry.
When the latest “research” hits the airways promoted as a new treatment, reali[z]e this may be a form of drug advertising passed off as journalism. It’s not news, and should be evaluated thoughtfully. Take this –which sounds more appealing: A drug that reduces your risk of cancer by 50%, or a drug that eliminates cancer in 1 out of 100 people?
The first, right? Wrong. Both descriptions mean the very same thing! Let’s say that the trial involves 100 people. During the trial, two people would normally be expected to get cancer. However, when all 100 people get the drug, only 1 person gets cancer—a 50% reduction.
So, even though the drug may help 1 of 100 people, its side effects may increase risks to all 100 people. Even though a chiropractor’s “side effects” are largely positive, it rarely makes the news!