Adjustment Prices
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Adjustment Prices

Chiropractic Adjustment Prices

The price of a chiropractic adjustment can be 1000 times as expensive as a single dosage of Bayer Extra Strength Back & Body Pain Reliever® sold for USD $.05.

Chiropractic care is affordableThe chiropractic adjustment helps revive your ability to self heal by removing nervous system interferences caused by misaligned spinal bones. The aspirin numbs your body, fooling it, so you can’t feel the pain while ignoring the underlying cause of the problem, which worsens until a simple pain reliever is no longer effective at masking the symptoms.

At first glance, the price of an adjustment is way out of line.

It isn’t. Especially if you’re one of more than 1000 people who will pay the price of their life, dying from stomach bleeding, liver damage and other complications caused by the side effects of common, over-the-counter pain relievers.

Chiropractors interested in helping their patients stay well after they get well have attempted to lower their prices to make regular chiropractic care affordable for everyone. Read on